Pieds, Pastel 2020
Mr. René Pellerin, Oil on wood, 24’’ x 20’’
Portrait from life ( 2 hr sitting), Graphite, 16’’ x 12’’
Cronos – Selfportrait, Bronze, H : 19,5’’
Johanie, Pastel, 24’’ x 16’’
Portrait from life ( 2 hr sitting), Oil, 20’’ x 16’’
Female study (3 hrs sitting) Oil, 20’’ x 16’’
Male study (3 hrs sitting), Graphite, 16’’ x 12’’
Ear, Graphite, 20’’ x 16’’
Portrait from life (2 hrs sitting) 18’’ x 14’’
Écorché, Graphite, 16’’ x 12’’
Male study (3 hrs sitting) Oil, 20’’ x 16’’
Male study (3 hrs sitting) Oil, 14’’ x 20’’
Male study (2 hrs sitting) Pastel, 24’’ x 18’’
Still life, Graphite, 30’’ x 20’’
Female portrait (20 minutes sitting), Dry pastel, 16’’ x 12’’
Portrait from life (2 hr sitting) Oil, 18’’ x 14’’
PERSEVS GENERATOR, bronze, H: 21’’
Maude, Oil on cotton pasted on wood , 20 x 16 in
Silence, Oil on cotton pasted on wood, 36 x 24 in
Skulls, Graphite, 30’’ x 20’’
Pink Ribbon, Bronze, H 24 in
Male portrait, Sépia, 20’’ x 16’’
Mrs Louise Harel, président of the National Assembly, Oil on linen pasted on wood, 54 x 48 in (Parliement of Quebec)
Bust, Graphite, 20’’ x 16’’
Écorché, Oil, 20’’ x 16’’
Meta-Atlas, Oil on cotton pasted on wood, 84 x 48 in
In the Eye of the Tumult, Soft pastel on Canson Paper, 24 x 16 in.
Female portrait, Charcoal, 20’’ x 16’’